February E-news: Loving Yourself

Sweet deals on massages booked during the month of February and Body Talk: What your body would say if it came with an instruction manual. Read our February e-news below.

How about a sweet deal on massage? $50 "Love Thyself" details below.
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“You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.” — The Buddha


News & Specials from Sole Purpose Massage


Romantic love is in the air. It's all we hear about during the first two weeks of February. But love isn't just romantic. We love our families, our friends, and we should be loving ourselves. Clients often ask me how they can feel better in their bodies. My advice? Love yourself. Take care of yourself first. I've listed a few things below that can really help your body to feel better, and they all have to do with loving and taking care of yourself.  Pick a couple of these things and practice them consistently and you'll be well on your way to feeling better and taking better care of yourself. Cheers to a healthy and happy February! 

If your body came with an instruction manual it would say:
  • Drink more water. Add fresh lemon juice to make it even better for you.
    Why? Our bodies are 60% water and dehydration leads to tight muscles and a decreased ability to produce lubricating fluids for joints and tissues.
  • Learn to breathe.
    Why? Lack of oxygen can rob your organs and muscles of a proper blood flow and nutrients, causing chronic tightening of muscles and tissues. Find more breathing exercises here.
  • Exercise & stretch.
    Why? The health benefits of regular exercise are numerous and well-documented.  Our bodies were designed to move and if we don't move it, we lose it. Strength, range of motion and flexibility all decrease if when we are injured or sedentary.
  • Meditate daily.
    Why? It boosts your immune system, improves brain function, decreases blood pressure and whole lot more!
Loosen up your shoulders and back using just the right amount of pressure with DeepFeet Bar Therapy.
Valentines Day is all about couples, but what about doing something special for yourself?
We all deserve some extra love and attention this month, so to encourage this, I'm offering a LOVE THYSELF massage special: Book an hour massage for only $50 during the month of February. Just put "LOVE" in the notes when you book to receive this special rate.  You know you deserve it!

Click here to book your appointment or call 541-610-8622.
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