Sole Purpose Massage Will Reopen May 17th

Whew! This has been a long eight weeks. Some of you probably feel the truth of that physically, but no matter your physical circumstances during this global pandemic, we've all been on a wild, unpredictable, emotional ride. I feel changed in ways I don't yet fully understand, but I feel sure that the lessons will start to reveal themselves as our community takes its first baby steps back towards what used to be normal life.
As part of its Phase I reopening plan, the State of Oregon has issued new protocols for massage therapists to implement in order to reopen. In addition, I will be shifting to a lighter schedule during this initial opening, seeing a maximum of three clients in a day instead of four. Two hour massages will not be available during June. I am limiting massage times to 90 minutes maximum. A summary is included below:

  • Face masks are recommended for massage while you are face up. I will require clients to wear masks while lying face up and ask that you bring your own mask to your appointment.

  • There will be COVID-19 screening questions texted to you prior to your appointment which you must answer before coming in.

  • Each client must sign an updated waiver before receiving massage services.

  • There will be implementation of increased sanitization measures between clients (UV-C disinfecting, cleaning of all common surfaces, changing clothes.)

  • Clients are encouraged to bring their own water bottles for use after massage.

  • There will not be any charges for same-day cancellations.

I realize that these changes may be a little uncomfortable at first, but please keep in mind that nothing lasts forever. I am committed to providing massage as a means to help us navigate a highly stressful and for some, isolated time. I believe that massage is one of the best things for our health and sense of well-being, but I also want to mitigate some of the risk that is inherent in working closely with individuals during a contagious respiratory pandemic. My main goal in implementing these protocols is for us to keep each other as safe as possible should you choose to come in for massage. In doing this, I hope that Deschutes County's COVID cases will continue to decrease and that we'll soon be able to experience more of the people and things we enjoy in public spaces.

Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.